Today is Monday, Mar 31st, 2025
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Our Mission, Purpose and Vision

Greetings Neighbors!
The Deep Creek Civic Associations’ mission is to turn strangers into neighbors and neighbors into friends. We know that this is a great community to call home and that is why a group of your neighbors volunteer to make the Deep Creek Civic Association available for you to enjoy. Civic Association membership is voluntary – unlike the two Property Owners Associations (POA 20 and 23).
We are a non-profit organization that has been in existence since 1985.  Our main purpose is to arrange community events to give members opportunities to meet their neighbors while having fun. We also publish a bi-monthly newsletter to keep you informed on the happenings in our community. Our goal is to impact our Deep Creek community in a positive way.
We are always looking for volunteers who want to be active in their community.  Do you like gardening? Consider joining the Deep Creek Garden Club. Do you have writing skills? Consider working with our Newsletter Chair on the newsletter! Do you enjoy IT/social media? Check out our IT/Webmaster Chair and the work she does on the website and social media! There really is something for everyone. 
You are invited to join us the second Tuesday of each month at the Section 20 POA office at 6:00 pm to attend our board meetings. We would love to meet you!  We want to stress again that, although we meet at Section 20 POA office, the Civic Association is a separate organization.
Remember, you must sign up to become a member of the Civic Association.  Be sure to include birthdays and anniversaries as we announce these in our newsletter.   With your $20 yearly membership dues you receive our bi-monthly newsletter Deep Creek News, admission to member events and a free Deep Creek license plate and a feeling of community neighborliness!
Your Deep Creek Civic Association Board Members